Great start to 2023 for Richard Roberts
The New Year has got off to a great start for Richard Roberts, with planning approved for three dwellings in Burn, Selby.
We had initial local opposition, work to do on flood risk and highways, as well as a previous developer refusal on this one. This was the first site Richard Roberts Land Director Hugh Roberts ever agreed to take on in Richard Roberts - so even though it is smaller than some of our later promotions - personally it means a lot.
There was great work on the resubmission and analysis of the impact of revisions to the sequential and exception tests post Q4 2022 changes to the PPG by Eric Bainbridge at Preston Baker Planning. Charlotte Nicholson, Operations Manager at Richard Roberts, helped with community engagement with parish, neighbours and ward members which saw objections reduced from 42 on the initial scheme to two on this approved scheme.
Improve village sustainability for the future
Our proposal incorporates a LEAP space central to the community of Burn, something Burn has not had for several years after the District Council decided to build on the previous play area after years of underinvestment. This new provision will be more accessible, better maintained and will improve village sustainability for the future. In addition this type of site will most likely be delivered by a LOCAL builder, employing LOCAL trades for LOCAL people. More sites of this size will increase competition, quality and choice in the market for home buyers.
Thanks as well to Andrew Moseley, Aaron Yesudian and Gavin Shepherd at Andrew Moseley Associates Transport and Development Planning, Alan Powell at Den Architecture, Sam Toon BSc (Hons) GradCIEEM at Estrada Ecology Ltd, Rachel Selwyn at Selwyn Trees, TEL Landscaping, Andrew Pliener/Joseph McCullough for legals and Rob Crolla.
Finally, congratulations to our landowners!
The New Year has got off to a great start for Richard Roberts, with planning approved for three dwellings in Burn, Selby